söndag 29 maj 2011

Pennor över hela bordet...

Idag har jag och min lilla konstnär firat mors dag med pennor i handen...

Min mamma i skolan
Your Mother and Mine   (From Peter Pan)

The angel voice that bids you goodnight
kisses your cheek, whispers sleep tight
Your mother and mine
Your mother and mine

The helping hand that guides you along
whether you're right, whether you're wrong
Your mother and mine
Your mother and mine

What makes mothers all that they are
Might as well ask what makes a star

Ask your heart to tell you her worth
your heart must say heaven on earth
An other word for divine
Your mother and mine

Och här kommer en kavalkad med min lilla konstnärs bidrag ♥

Till farmor

Till mormor

Solrosor i vas

Konsverk i skolmatsalen

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